Driving Performance, Productivity, and Profitability through People.

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The Personality Connection to Covid-19 Responses, with a Very Special Offer from OPUS…

The Personality Connection to Covid-19 Responses, with a Very Special Offer from OPUS…

This is a short video that dives into how different personality styles respond to the same event, whether the event is being stuck at a red light, encountering an elevator full of people, or the Covid-19 virus.

How we react is tied much closer to our personality traits than our intelligence, and that is true of the people around us as well.  Bob tries to help us see that understanding the personality style of the people you live with, plus your own style, will allow for a greater level of empathy.

There’s also an offer for a free profile (yes, free) at the end of the video, so try to stick around until the end.  Thanks, and stay safe everyone.